Class-Action Vampires

Class-Action Vampires FAQ

Who Are We?

We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocacy for people living with European Bat Lyssavirus-4.

What is European Bat Lyssavirus-4, or EBL-4?

EBL-4 is a virus related to rabies. The Benjamin Rush Health Initiative has labeled symptoms of EBL-4 infection in humans as “Virally Induced Hematophagic Predation Syndrome.” They have popularized the term “VIHPS,” and call people who test positive for EBL-4 by the derogatory nickname, “vipes.”

The media has frequently used the term “vampire virus” when referring to EBL-4, with the connotation of infected people turning into bloodthirsty monsters. Yet even the words “predation syndrome” are a misnomer — it is possible to live with EBL-4 without ever resorting to violence to take a blood meal.

Where did EBL-4 originate?

Three varieties of European Bat Lyssavirus occur in nature: the fourth appears to be saturated in active yin qi. Its structure shows evidence of reproducing adaptively in response to artificial stimulation by a stimweb. For this reason, we believe the outbreak of the virus can be traced back to a laboratory owned by the Benjamin Rush Health Initiative in Reston, Virginia.

Why the name “Class-Action Vampires?”

We seek to show the world that EBL-4 is not a life sentence condemning the infected to being a comic-book villain. To do that, we need to appeal to the widest possible audience, including victims on the other side of the world. People infected with EBL-4 who find themselves craving blood will often have no idea what a “vipe” is, but everyone understands the term “vampire.”

If we are successful, we will reclaim the term as a medical condition rather than a media stereotype. We will prove to the world that a vampire is as worthy of the rights and protections due to any citizen of the United States, or any other country on the planet.

We support Morgan Lorenz’s legal suit to hold the Benjamin Rush Health Initiative accountable for the outbreak of EBL-4. He is suing for medical negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, and wrongful infection, on behalf of an entire class of infected people. No one knows how many infected there are, but we are your neighbors, your friends, even your family. We encourage the victims of this virus to come out of the proverbial shadows.

What kind of opposition do infected people face?

BRHI’s first motion in Lorenz v. BRHI was to dismiss the case on lack of standing. They claimed that the virus changes the human brain so much that the infected can no longer be considered human. Because of this, they claim that the U.S. Constitution no longer applies to them, and the infected have no standing to sue.

The American Civil Liberties Union has described this move as “worthy of every term of profanity.” No virus should be able to take away a citizen’s right to due process, to speak, to peaceably assemble, to carry a firearm, or to own property. This is to say nothing of workplace issues such as being fired for harboring the virus. All of those rights we just mentioned have been challenged in court cases in the United States or abroad.

While Lorenz v. BRHI is still pending, a wave of fear-based propaganda has been unleashed across the United States and many other countries where EBL-4 infections have been reported. Armed groups of vigilantes and militia have taken it upon themselves to “patrol” neighborhoods, an activity that more often leads to harassment and violence. Twenty-two individuals confirmed to be infected with EBL-4 have been violently killed by police or civilians since One World Network broke the story of Morgan Lorenz’s viral video on August 8th.

How can I tell if I’m infected with EBL-4?

Symptoms of infection include:

  • First 24-72 hours
    • Nausea
    • Whole-body muscle aches
    • Sharper sense of smell, especially regarding human sweat
    • Sensitivity to bright light
    • Disassociation with bodily movements
    • Natural high when feeding on human blood
  • 72-128 hours
    • Improved night vision
    • Improved coordination
    • Drastically improved strength
    • Suppression of fibromyalgia, arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain
    • Rapid healing of wounds
    • Communicability through saliva-to-blood contact
  • 128+ hours
    • Lack of appetite for traditional food
    • Weight loss

Common side effects include:

  • Lack of attention to personal grooming
  • Interpersonal difficulties with pre-infection associates
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder, including
    • Agitation
    • Paranoia
    • Nightmares or night terrors
    • Acting out
    • Mania
    • Depression

It should be noted that many of these side effects are rational responses to highly stressful situations that may be brought on by infection. If your boss has fired you for having EBL-4, or your spouse fears being in the house with you, trusting people with your true feelings may seem foolish. Similarly, anyone whose infection has turned them into a pariah in their social circle might understandably suffer from depression.

What are some vampire myths that do not apply to EBL-4?

While we do not know the full potential of EBL-4’s effect on the active qi of the host body, many commonalities exist that distinguish them from the media stereotype of vampires. They include:

  • No change in dentition, i.e. they do not present fangs.
  • No change in body or head hair, i.e. no hair grows from the palms.
  • No ability to take the shape of bats, wolves, mist, etc.
  • No actual death and rebirth as a revenant-animated corpse.
  • Changes in body temperature are limited to fevers and chills during the first few days of infection, i.e. they are not cold and corpse-like.
  • No physical reaction to holy objects, substances, or places.
  • No compulsion to obsessively count scattered grains.
  • No special reaction to silver objects.
  • No need for coffins, grave dirt, or other death-related paraphernalia.
  • Biting an injured human and/or feeding them infected blood will not prevent immediate death. The speeding of healing, as noted above, only occurs 72-128 hours after infection.

Additionally, there is no compelling evidence that similar qi phenomena create “werewolf” viruses, nor ghosts, nor faeries, nor zombies. This is fortunate — one potentially world-spanning pandemic is quite enough.

I think I’m infected. What do I do?

The anonymously sourced Guide to Living with EBL-4 Infection is available for free download as print or audio. The guide is 170 pages, and covers:

  • Verifying Your Status
  • Whom to Tell
  • What Should I Hide?
  • Securing Donors
  • Income
  • Housing
  • Hygiene & Health
  • Personal Security
  • Mental Health
  • Support Networks
  • Legal Help
  • Additional Resources

We cannot emphasize enough the usefulness of learning from the experiences of other EBL-positive people. In the attempt to secure donors, mistakes can lead to tragedy. In the current climate of vigilante violence, ignorance can lead to your own death.

The guide does not elaborate extensively on the biology of qi or how it affects the virus. For the uninitiated, BRHI’s introduction to this new frontier is here.

I have a friend or loved one who is infected.

If this is the case, you have a difficult path. There are several things you must realize about the infected and your relationship to them.


  • When they are looking for blood, they are fighting for their life. Infected persons cannot go more than approximately 24-36 days without a blood meal. When they do, they become lethargic until they are either fed human blood direct from a wound, or else they lapse into a comatose state.
  • They are struggling with addiction. Your loved one’s body will tell them when it is time to feed. They may be understandably obsessed with how to secure donors, to the detriment of other considerations.
  • You have a right not to donate. The decision of whether or not to donate is an intensely personal one. The likelihood of the donor being infected is extremely high.
  • You are allowed to be afraid. If your friend or loved one becomes threatening, there is no shame in taking steps to preserve your own life. Marriage vows may say “in sickness and in health,” but physical assault is a clear violation of any relationship. Help them if they are in need, but realize your own needs can come first.

What laws might be passed that pertain to the infected?

  • Representative Allison Chen (S-HI) has introduced H.R. 914, titled EBL-4 Emergency Containment Procedures and Funding. This bill would begin a national campaign to educate the public about the outbreak and uses bioterror funds from the World Health Organization to study and slow the spread of the virus.
  • H.R. 1954, the Unalienable Rights Act, specifies that the rights of American citizenship cannot be removed due to medical reasons. You’d think that we don’t need this spelled out, but these are frightening times. Representative Shanda Mirel (S-TX) introduced the bill.
  • The Freedom Forever party, on the other hand, wants to remove doctor-patient confidentiality under the H.R. 515, the Mandatory Vampire Virus Reporting Act. This is about as counterproductive as you can get: there’s nothing like the certainty that you’re going to be narc’ed on to keep you from reporting your infection status.
  • Representative Blake Schiff (F-WV) has put forth H.R. 1103, the Vampire Quarantine Act, which empowers TSA and ICE agents to test travelers (foreign and domestic) for VIHPS. Every positive result would go into a central database and the vipes then go on the no-fly list. They would also be banned from entering the United States, despite the evidence that the virus originated here.
  • Senators Kristal Rowan (F-MN) and Wesley McClelland (R-LA) are co-sponsoring S. 1041, the VIHPS Containment Act, which would provide for the creation of “secure hospital facilities capable of holding up to a minimum of 2,000 persons each.” In other words, internment camps. And if you think they guards will feed blood to the infected while they’re being held, you have sorely misread the two individuals sponsoring the bill.
  • Sign the petition at for the President to sign an Executive Order declaring that human status, once applied to an organism, cannot be revoked.

Where can I contribute to the legal effort?

Morgan Lorenz is represented by Geoffrey Cho of the law partnership Cho & Weiss. Cho has mentioned in interviews he is not working pro bono. A legal fight is not cheap under any circumstances, even less so when battling BRHI, whose net worth is somewhere around $33 billion USD. As such, we value every donation and take none for granted.

Our FundingFunnel page accepts all major credit cards, PayBuddy, and the cryptocurrency AltCash. We highly recommend cryptocurrency: your friendly neighborhood law enforcement organization may not be so friendly in the near future.

What demonstrations and counter-protests can I attend?

  • August 22nd — Counter-protest: The March for Blood
    • Albert V. Bryan Courthouse, 401 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA
    • American Red Cross, 11355 Ohio Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
    • American Red Cross, 520 W 49th St, New York, NY
    • American Red Cross, 9230 Watson Rd, St. Louis, MO
    • American Red Cross, 2640 Canal St., New Orleans, LA
  • August 29th — Can’t Fire Us for a Virus
    • Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC
    • Department of Labor, 455 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco
    • Department of Labor, 1885 Dixie Hwy, Ste 210, Ft Wright, KY
  • September 5th-6th — The No Fear March
    • Begins – BRHI East Baltimore Campus, 1800 Orleans St., Baltimore, MD
    • Ends – BRHI ABEL Laboratory, 1946 Isaac Newton Square, Reston, VA
  • September 12th — The Light in the Darkness Vigil
    • The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC
  • September 26th & 27th — Counterprotest: Not an Inch, Not a Drop
    • Albert V. Bryan Courthouse, 401 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA
    • Center For Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd., Atlanta, GA
    • CDC Quarantine Station, Tom Bradley Int. Airport, 380 World Way, Los Angeles, CA
    • CDC Quarantine Station, Philadelphia Int. Airport, 8000 Essington Ave, Philadelphia, PA
    • CDC Quarantine Station, San Diego Int. Airport, 3851 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA
  • October 17, 18, & 19 — Counterprotest: The Vipe-Free America March
    • National Mall, Washington, DC
    • United Nations, 1st Ave./U.N. Plaza, New York, NY
    • State Capitol, 1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA
    • Federal Building, 50 United Nations Plaza, San Francisco, CA
    • Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Sawtelle, CA
    • State Capitol, 301 S 2nd Street, Springfield, IL
    • Federal Building, 230 South Dearborn St., Chicago, IL
    • State Capitol, 400 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL
    • State Capitol, 100 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI
    • State Capitol, 1 E Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC
    • State Capitol, 600 Charlotte Ave, Nashville, TN
    • State Capitol, 1000 Bank St, Richmond, VA
    • State Capitol, 416 Sid Snyder Ave., Olympia, WA
    • State Capitol, 1100 Congress Ave, Austin, TX
    • Federal Building, 1919 Smith Street, Houston, TX

I’m confused. What’s the full story?